Homepage Forums Mount Riga General Forum Important Notice – Roads

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    The town road up the mountain is currently inaccessible to all vehicles. The road is still covered in ice and impossible to navigate at parts. In addition, there are trees down blocking access. The Town of Salisbury will not be doing any maintenance work until the conditions are safe for the crew to navigate without accident or damage. The anticipated time for opening up the road to the public is the beginning of May (and is weather dependant.)

    A reminder to all that the Salisbury Town Road is considered a seasonal road and is closed for the winter. We have enjoyed some fairly mild winters these past years which has allowed for many to access their camps often during the winter months, but this year the snow and rain have created treacherous icy conditions. Any travel in the near future must be on foot (or bicycle if youy have a fancy off-road bike 🙂

    We all need to be mindful of MRI roads during these next two months and avoid driving on them when they are too soft. Too much early traffic will create deep ruts and damage. In addition, the spring clearing of fallen trees and debris will not start until later when the roads are dry. If you have any questions about the road, please contact Thomas Brazee.

    I will let you know when the road is opened. Thank you.

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