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  • #43957

    It’s time to sign up for the tournament! As champions of the 2021 tournament,Chris Kluchman and Kosta Kollias will be organizing the tourney. The fun will start Saturday morning.Tennis balls will be included with the tournament fees of $10 per player. The annual picnic will be held on SATURDAY from 12-2 p.m If you are interested in playing, please send an email to [email protected] and indicate your level of tennis.
    A. Weekend Tennis Warrior and/or has played this summer
    B. Athletic and knows the game.
    C. Beginner player or has an aliment that is preventing you from playing to your usual ability. Please sign up by Wednesday 8/31st by 5 p.m. Please include any special circumstances in your email. The draws will be posted on Friday by 6 p.m.

    The Annual Labor Day & Mt Riga Inc 100 year celebration party will be held this year on Sunday, starting at 5.pm. Please RSVP if you haven’t to the link attached https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5ZT66B3

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